Capacity Building Training
- Induction Training on SHGs for the Newly recruited APDs under SGSY [2007-08]
- International Training Cum Exposure Visit on Micro-Finance to Bangladesh for the Bankers of NE states. (sanctioned) [2007-08]
Our Training Programs
- Personal Hygiene
- Youth Leadership Camps
- Vocational Training
Our Awareness Programs
- Environmental Awareness
- Life skill development for Adolescent girls
- Domestic Violence
- National Integration
- Safe motherhood & Child survival Program
- Health Program
- Education Programme
- Memorable Days
- Cultural Activities
- Social & Relief Work

ARPAN Society – an assemblage of academicians, professional, social activists has been working in development field since 2003 with highest degree of reputation and professionalism. The main functional area of our research and advocacy concentrated on better public life.
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Arpan Society
Krishnanagar, Nutanpalli Near Chatra Sangha Agartala, West Tripura 799001
+91 9436125214 /+91 9436130953