Our Objectives
ARPAN SocietyOur Objectives on Children’s Welfare Progra
- To work for the welfare of the street Children
- To implement various programs for the welfare of the physically & mentally handicapped children
- To organize various programs for prevention of Child Labour
- To setup orphanage House and to establish Crèches for the poor & needy rural/slum children
- To run children Library and to education school dropped out children through NFE System
Our Objectives on Rural Development Program
- To Implement Rural Sanitation Program
- To establish Village Library
- To construct Low Cost House Latrines for the weaker of the society
- Drinking Water arrangement for the society
- Formation of Self Help Groups in rural areas
- To implement the total Sanitation Camping Programs
- To work under the centrally sponsored scheme of Ministry of Rural Development, GOI such as NREGP, SGYS etc.
Our Objectives on Educational Program
- To setup Non-Formal Education Centers
- To setup adult Education Centers
- To setup Children Libraries
- To help the various Govt./Private Dept. for the development of literacy programs
- To work with Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Mission
- To organize various pre-examination training’s programs for SC/OBC
- To promote Girls Education programs
- To establish/run/manage schools to spread any or all types of education prevalent in modern India
Our Objectives on Environment Development
- Conduction environment education training in the spheres of conservation of forests and wild life for rural peoples especially the youth.
- To work for maintenance and conservation of Bio-Diversity
- Encouraging rural masses towards the use of alternate sources of energy like solar cooker, biogas, smokeless chullas and solar lamps to avoid environment pollution
- To implement various projects related to forestry and plantation etc.
- To conduct the National Environment Awareness Program (NEAC) each year
- To implement various Environment Education’s Projects in various schools
Our Objectives on Women & Girls Welfare Activities
- To create employment opportunities for women and youth through vocational training facilities to trace out force of women /youth
- To setup Working Women Hostels, Short Stay Homes and Swadhar centers for the women
- To setup Training-cum-Production units for Women and marketing of products
- Formation of Self-Help Groups for the poor women
- To provide free legal literacy to women/girls
- To organize various Awareness Generation Programs for women/girls
- To provide free Sex Education to the Youth/Adolescents girls
- To setup Women Helpline Programs
- To implement various other Women Empowerment related programs
Our Objectives on Youth Welfare
- To organize various vocational training courses for youth
- To initiate and organize need oriented rural development program
- To impart education and training on the basis of youth organization methods and practical
- To organize various sports meets at Village, Block, District and State level
- To establish Stadiums both in rural and urban areas for sports activities
- To implement various Youth Empowerment & adolescent Development projects

ARPAN Society – an assemblage of academicians, professional, social activists has been working in development field since 2003 with highest degree of reputation and professionalism. The main functional area of our research and advocacy concentrated on better public life.
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Contact us
Arpan Society
Krishnanagar, Nutanpalli Near Chatra Sangha Agartala, West Tripura 799001
+91 9436125214 /+91 9436130953