Health Camp on Non-Communicable Diseases
ARPAN SocietyOne Health camps on Non-communicable diseases were organized with support from NPCDCS program, Govt of Tripura at Haflongcharra Tea Estate, North Tripura on 28/10/2019. More than 100 villagers attended the camps were made aware of the causes of the diseases and advised to get rid of these diseases by simply practicing good life style and giving up bad habits. Local Helath Administration and two local NGOs extended their full support to make the event success and meaningful. The participants were examined and prescribed in the camp by the Govt health practitioner. Free medicines also distributed by the organiser.

ARPAN Society – an assemblage of academicians, professional, social activists has been working in development field since 2003 with highest degree of reputation and professionalism. The main functional area of our research and advocacy concentrated on better public life.
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