Training for making of Eco Friendly Bags
ARPAN SocietyIntroduction
After imposition of total ban on use, carrying and storing of all types of plastic carry bags in Tripura, the entire state has been looking for alternative of plastic carry bags in terms uses, economic value and also little decorative. The project was aimed for skill development of enterprising women from marginalized section residing in Agartala Municipal Corporation AMC area.
There is a huge demand of eco friendly bags of jute and waste cloth at low cost. In Agartala, there is no entrepreneur is engaged in alternative bag production of plastic carry bag. The project was aimed to begin a new opportunity to cater the demand as well as to save the environment. It was believed that when production will be skilful, lucrative and beautiful, the practice of using eco friendly bag will be sustainable.

The main Objectives of the project were
- To provide skill development training for the enterprising women;
- To develop supply chain for eco friendly bags in the market;
- To beat the use of plastic carry bags;
- To ensure self-employed for enterprising women;
- To open up an opportunity for alternative livelihood.

The project was formally inaugurated on August 02, 2019. Mr Sisir Minz, Dr U K Pandey, Mr Debasish Saraswati from ONGC, Dr Mihir Kumar Das, Scientist from Tripura State Pollution Control Board and Mr Sambhu Deb, Mr Biswendu Bhattacharjee, Mr Rekha Banerjee, Mr Pranab Kumar Bhattachryya from ARPN Society were among the dignitaries present in the program.
As decided, the Society (ARPAN Society) has created five master trainers for making jute bags of different types, shapes and quality during the project period. The centre was started with 25 (Annexure II) women from Jagatpur and Brahmanpukur. At the final stage, they offered livelihood for 28 women of different locality. The trained individual of a 9 member group in Brahman Pukur has opted jute bag and cloth bag making work as their supplementary means of livelihood.
Different type of products were manufactured during the training period e.g. normal market bag, office Bag, Water Bottle Bag, Tiffin Bag, Ladies Hand Bag, School Bags etc. During October around 400 normal Jute Bags manufactured by the trainees were supplied to ONGC. The Jute bags prepared by the centre also supplied to different Govt, Semi Govt and Private agencies which includes
- Indian Council for Agricultural Research Tripura
- Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Khowai
- ONGC Mahila Samiti
- ONGC Doctors’ Association
- Corporate Communication, ONGC
- Forest Research Centre for Livelihood Extension (FRCLE), Govt of India,
- Tripura Central University
- Purbasha
- Aqua Doctor Solution Agartala (Private Organisation)
- Joyram Varieties (Private Organisation)
The products are also appreciated by eminent personalities during promotion. The individuals includes
- Director General of Meteorology, New Delhi
- Additional Director General of Meteorology, New Delhi
- Registrar, MBB University
- Assistant Director, SIPARD
- Mission Director, NHM
As mandated under the project, the swing machines and other infrastructure have been handed over to an SHG – Green Initiative under the guidance and supervision of ARPAN Society. Besides, supplying the whole production around 550 pieces of jute bags of different types during training period to funding agency ONGC, the unit has also got a forward market linkage with several other organisations like ICAR, KVK, Tripura University, Purbasa, and some Private organisations. So, far they have supplied about 1500 different types of jute bags in those institutions. Considering the demand of jute bags in open market and different institutions, it has become an alternative sustainable livelihood option especially for the women belong to marginal section.
Sanjita Ghosh, Secretary of Green Initiative says, “We are getting supply order of jute bag of average 1000 to 1200 per month from different markets and institutions as well, which will secure the income of Rs 20,000 – 24,000/- average per month for the group. Moreover, the women who got training under the project have also been getting supplementary income of Rs 700-800/- weekly.
Mrs Sangeeta Sutradhar, a beneficiary of the project said, “I have been looking for such training, as I am having machines to use it for earning purposes in off-hours. Now, we are getting supply of raw materials from Green Initiative and daily we are making at least 30 jute bags in off-time and earning around Rs 200/- per day. We are thinking to involve dedicatedly and opt it as a livelihood means.”
The project has also been appreciated by Tripura Government and Deputy Chief Minister holding the portfolio of Science, Technology, Environment and Rural Development assured ARPAN Society to replicate the similar project for village women to fight against the menace of single use plastic. The ARPAN through Green Initiatives, however, explores the possibility of value addition of the jute products at an affordable price for the regular market.
Despite of demands, there is a constraint in supply of finished products. It is mainly because of
- Non availability of Jute fabric in local market
- Limited and lengthy transportation system
- Unstable rate in wholesale market.
All these have negative impact in retail market.
Addressing the Constraints
Tripura is known for its biodiversity which includes plenty of natural resources from which fibre can be extracted. These fibres are equally environmental friendly like Jute. They are naturally available, abandoned, renewable, biodegradable and carbon neutral. These fibres can easily replace the jute. Extracting of fibre from these natural resources is not huge tasks. A semi skilled person after short training can easily be capable of doing this work. There are number of species available in the state like Banana, Pineapple, Sisal etc from which fibre can be extracted.
AProposal for further extension
Despite of environmental pollution, single use plastic still could not be stopped fully mainly due to its economic value, user friendly behaviour and availability. Jute has acceptability among its users but not sufficient to replace plastic bags. The cost of jute is main reason. The production of jute in the state is very less and scope of further increase of production is limited. Other natural fibre available in the state may be good alternative. This will not only ensure the raw materials but also keep the cost low.

ARPAN Society – an assemblage of academicians, professional, social activists has been working in development field since 2003 with highest degree of reputation and professionalism. The main functional area of our research and advocacy concentrated on better public life.
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